Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Flyers vs. Brochures, what's the diff?

an artist's sketch of Calicoan Island Resort condotel

This article which I had thought of writing months ago and sadly got buried under a pile of things I had to do. The difference came to a point of discussion with a client, now a good friend who’s developing an island resort in Guiuan (did I spell this right), Eastern Samar. And I’m proud to say, I’m helping him with his marketing communication needs. He seems to like what I’m doing, well, at least that’s what I think.

A flyer is literally one that will fly and could be any piece of paper so thin, you could use for scratch paper. Owing though to the number of trees that have to be cut to produce such, I’d give it some value. A brochure is more like it, if properly done, without the ribbon.

Today as I write, Tanya and Jackie are in Tacloban to screen a multitude of lasses hailing from Leyte and Samar. Hey, could I stream in here the radio commercial? The duo from Fisheye Studio will screen talents for our promotional campaign. Two ladies, a boy and a make-up artist. And that’s just to produce a brochure of 14 pages.

What’s more exciting is the shoot and awwwwh, I can’t go. I will though on the next trip. If you want to know what this island resort is all about, go to It’ll be THE eco-toursim destination in the next 3 years. Watch out for it.

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